Thursday, May 1, 2008

Turning Over a New Leaf

Fam Update: Ocho--aka: Little Oscar, Cal, Oscar-- is apparently well and was never septic to begin with. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the last 2 weeks have been a nightmare for our little family. on April 22nd Ocho had a fever of 102.5 so I thought it was from a combination of teething and slight ear infection. Well Wednesday night he had a temp of 104.2 so we headed off to the ER. I usually can handle sick kids, but when temps get that high, we're off to figure out what's wrong. So we get the the ER and the DR. looks in his ears and said they were clear. He wanted to do a urine test and some blood work to rule out kidney infection or UTI. They took blood and urine sample and sent us home. The next night, Thursday at 1130 p.m. we get a call from the ER that took the blood and said that our son was septic, we needed to bring him in asap for a shot of Rocephinne. So we did and came back home. The next day, Friday at about 3:30, our pediatritian's office called and told us we needed to go to Children's Hospital because Oscar has a positive culture for staph and strep in his blood, they need to do a spinal tap on him. So now we're off to Children's. We get there and the Dr. comes in to look at Ocho and says she thinks that lab was a contaminate because this baby doesn't look sick. He is showing no signs of sepcus so she took some blood herself and sent us home (we spent 7 hours in the Children's ER that night). Saturday afternoon comes around and an R.N from Children's calls us and says that No, they were wrong, the sample wasn't a contaminat and we need to come to be admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics. He told me what Dr. to meet with and where to go when we got there. We were admitted to the Infant Toddler Unit Saturday night at 5:00. Monday a.m. comes around and a Dr. who is over all the residents at Children's comes into our room and says, well, yeah, now it looks like both the samples we did were contaminates. The number of bacterium in the blood is so astronomically high, that if it weren't a contaminate, this baby would be dead by now. So he sent us home after spending 3 days in the hospital (with no IV antibiotics might I add). They weren't able to get an IV started, so they ended up ordering IM antibiotics.

So, for those of you who prayed and called and thought about us during those weeks, we are truly appreciative because without them, those blood tests probably wouldn't have been a contaminate. They probably would have been true of what was in his system. Thank you.

Now AdaBelle has a double ear infection which she gets, usually, when she's teething. She's probably cutting her jaw teeth since her cheeks and mouth are always red and broke out. About normal right, get one kid well then the other gets sick.

And I had a minor operation on my knee on the 29th to remove some mangled cartilege but I'm doing as best as can be expected with a mom who has 2 little one's and a job to go to.

Well Oscar did like his job at Arby's at first, but now it has become a struggle. We don't see each other that often and when we do it's when he comes in in the early a.m. and flops into bed or when I get up to go to work. And there have also been some backbiting and bickering and lying going on, so he has decided to take a job at my work where he will be a Mental Health Associate (MHA) here at Rivendell working 11p-7a 4 days a week. He will be full time and get a pay increase for working that shift. He is excited about this but because it's a completely new field, he's a bit nervous. I'm excited because I'll get to see him 3 days out of the week with only the kids for interruptions.

Anyway, just thought we'd let everyone know what's going on. Thanks again for everything ya'll have done.



Marcie Kump said...

What a horrible ordeal! We are so glad your little guy is good and healthy!

Good luck with the new job, Oscar!!!

Me said...

we're very happy little os is healthy! and grats to big o on the new job too.

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